Abstract Form

Title: Schirmer test changes after 20 gauge and 23 gauge pars plana vitrectomy
Author(s): Khalil Ghasemi Falavarjani, Yahya Shaheen, Arezoo Karimi Moghaddam, Hossein Aghaei, Mohammad Mehdi Parvaresh, Mohsen Bahmani Kashkouli, Hosein Farrokhi, Kaveh Abri Aghdam
Presentation Type: Oral
Subject: Retina and Retinal Cell Biology
Presenting Author:
Name: Kaveh Abri aghdam
Affiliation :(optional) Eye research Center, Rassoul Akram Hospital, Iran University of Medical Sciences
E mail: kaveh_abri@yahoo.com
Mobile: 9120889505
Abstract (Max 200 words)
Purpose: To evaluate the short-term changes in Schirmer I test (ST) after pars plana vitrectomy and to compare the results between 23 gauge and 20 gauge vitrectomy surgeries.
Methods: In this prospective, non-randomized, comparative study, 42 patients who underwent pars plana vitrectomy for posterior segment diseases were included. The choice of sclerotomy gauge was on surgeons` discretion. ST values were recorded before and one and 3 months after vitrectomy.
Results: Twenty patients in 23 gauge and 22 patients in 20 gauge group with a mean age of 59.9±13.5 years were included. The mean preoperative ST values decreased significantly in both groups at 1 and 3 months after surgery (all P<0.01). In the fellow eyes, the ST values were the same, at baseline and during the follow up (P>0.05). At 3 months visit, 15 eyes (35.7%) had abnormal ST measurements. There was no statistically significant difference in the changes in ST measurements between the two groups at one month (P=0.7), however, 3 months after surgery, the mean decrease in ST measurements was significantly higher in 20 gauge group (P=0.03). At 3 months, 4 eyes in the 23 gauge group (20%) and 11 eyes in the 20 gauge group (50%) had abnormal ST measurements (P=0.05).
Conclusion: Although both 20 and 23-gauge vitrectomy decrease the ST measurements postoperatively, the value is less affected by 23 gauge vitrectomy.
Attachment: 5037Schirmer.IRAVO.pptx