Abstract Form

Title: Incidence and Risk Factors of Retinal Toxicity in Patients Treated with Hydroxychloroquine
Author(s): 1.Goldis Espandar, MD,2.Jamileh Moghimi*, MD,3.RahebGhorbani, PhD,4.Mohsen Pourazizi, MD,5. Mohammad-AliSeiri, MD,6. ShervinKhosravi, MD
Presentation Type: Oral
Subject: Retina and Retinal Cell Biology
Presenting Author:
Name: Goldis Espandar
Affiliation :(optional) 1. GoldisEspandar, MD Department of Ophthalmology, Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran AND Ophthalmic Research Center, Labbafinejad Medical Center, Shahid Beheshti Universityof Medical
E mail: goldis_espandar@yahoo.com
Phone: 88562908
Mobile: 09122213892
Abstract (Max 200 words)
Purpose: Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is the most widely used antimalarial agent in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Retinal involvement produces irreversible changes in vision. The aim of this study was the frequency of retinal toxicity and associated risk factors in patients treated with HCQ in Iran.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 59 patients treated with HCQ during 2014-2015. Characteristics of Patient collected using questionnaire in two sections. Section one included demographic characteristics (e.g. age, sex, family history, past medical history and demographic information) and ophthalmologic history included past ophthalmic history, cumulative dose and duration of using of HQ. For each patient, ophthalmology examinations include visual acuity (VA) with a Snellen chart at 6 meters in both eyes and a slit lamp examination of the fundus under dilation, color exam,visual field testing with automated perimetry during 10 central degrees by sita-standard strategy was performed. Statistical significance was considered at P<0.05.
Results: Retinal toxicity was detected in 18 of patients (30.5%) .Five patients (8.5 %) have got defects in color sight. The mean ± SD age of patients with retinopathy was 40. 87 ± 13.2 year-old and mean ± SD duration of drug consumption was 29.3 ± 21.5 months. Three is no statistically significant association between retinal toxicity and sex (p=0.514), ocular diseases’ precedent (p=0.479), medical diseases' precedent (p=0.539) and Daily dose (p=0.062) There is positive relationship between retinal toxicity and age (p=0.006), cumulative dose (p=0.002), and duration of using the drug (p<0.001).
Conclusion: In our study associated risk factors of retinal toxicity in patients treated with HCQ were advanced age, higher cumulative dosage and longer duration of using drug.
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