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.برای مشاهده ليست مرتب شده بر اساس عنوان، ارائه كننده يا سرفصل علمی، روی عنوان هر ستون كليك نماييد

RowTitlePresentation TypePresenting AuthorScientific ChapterAffiliation
1 Effects of The Incision Site On Surgical Induced Refractive Change in Phacoemulsification Cataract Surgery Oral روشندل دانيال Cornea and Refractive Ophthalmic Research center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 Short Term Outcomes of Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Implantation of 340 Degrees Intracorneal Ring Segment in Keratoconus Oral روشندل دانيال Cornea and Refractive Ophthalmic Research center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3 Femtosecond Thin-flap LASIK for Correction of Refractive Error After Penetrating Keratoplasty due to Keratoconus Oral روشندل دانيال Cornea and Refractive Ophthalmic Research center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 Design, engineering and construction of a therapeutic anti-VEGF chimeric protein, similar to sFLT01, with a prolonged half-life Oral رضایی ادریس Molecular Biology and Genetics Department of Genetic Medicine, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran. Iran
5 In Vivo Evaluation of PAX6 Overexpression and NMDA cytotoxicity to Stimulate Proliferation in the Mouse Retina Oral رعنایی پیرمردان احسان Retina and Retinal Cell Biology Department of Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
6 How Laser Physical Parameters affect Lesion Size in Retinal Photocoagulation Surgery: Clinical OCT Study Oral راستا سید حسین Retina and Retinal Cell Biology Department of Medical Bioengineering, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. University of Aberdeen
7 Wearable Device for Prediction of Myopia Progression in Children Oral رحیمی نصرآبادی حامد Visual Psychophysics and Optics Research Assistant, Brain Engineering Center, IPM

ورود شرکت کنندگان اخبار گالری
نام کاربری :
کلمه عبور :
  کلمه عبور خود را فراموش کرده ام.
نشریه بهاره حامیان همایش
آمار بازديدها
تماس با ما
روز شمار
امروز 119
ماه جاری 31673
کل مراجعات 444854
نشانی: تهران، خيابان کارگر شمالی، نرسيده به خيابان فاطمی،کوچه فردوسی، پلاک 3
کدپستی 1418663741
شماره تماس: 2-66919061-021
رایانامه: info@springophthalmologymeeting.ir