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.برای مشاهده ليست مرتب شده بر اساس عنوان، ارائه كننده يا سرفصل علمی، روی عنوان هر ستون كليك نماييد

RowTitlePresentation TypePresenting AuthorScientific ChapterAffiliation
1 Statistical Knowledge among Ophthalmologists in Iran Oral صافی ساره Epidemiologic Research Ophthalmic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2 NOGO-A Gene Expression in Amniotic Fluid Treated Human RPE Cells Oral صفدری بهاره Molecular Biology and Genetics Department of biology, Tehran Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
3 COL18A1 mutation identified as cause of iridocorneal angle closure: first identification of a causative gene for this major PACG presentation Oral سوری فاطمه Molecular Biology and Genetics Ophthalmic Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
4 Sequencing of exon 10 and a of intron 9(composed of 500 nucleotide hot- spot region) of the complement factor H (CFH) gene to select susceptible single nucleotide polymorphysms for age related Poster سهیلی زهرا سهیلا Molecular Biology and Genetics National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
5 Evaluation of normal choroidal thickness in terms of age and gender in Rasht city using SD-OCT EDI imaging. Oral صبوری محمدرسول Retina and Retinal Cell Biology GUILAN MEDICAL SCIENCES ,EYE RESEARCH CENTER,AMIRALMONIN HOSPITAL
6 Isolation, Characterization and Establishment of Spontaneously Immortalized Cell Line HRPE-2S with Stem Cell Properties. Oral شمس نجف آبادی هدی Retina and Retinal Cell Biology 1. Department of Molecular Medicine, National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Tehran, Iran.

ورود شرکت کنندگان اخبار گالری
نام کاربری :
کلمه عبور :
  کلمه عبور خود را فراموش کرده ام.
نشریه بهاره حامیان همایش
آمار بازديدها
تماس با ما
روز شمار
امروز 118
ماه جاری 31672
کل مراجعات 444853
نشانی: تهران، خيابان کارگر شمالی، نرسيده به خيابان فاطمی،کوچه فردوسی، پلاک 3
کدپستی 1418663741
شماره تماس: 2-66919061-021
رایانامه: info@springophthalmologymeeting.ir